Welcome to Dannylog. A logfile parser written especially for AWS, the Amiga Web Server. This software is freeware, though I would appreciate an email, postcard, or what-have-you. To get in contact with me; Email: dannyman@uiuc.edu WWW: http://www.uiuc.edu/ph/www/djhoward Post: Daniel Howard 7310 N Claremont Chicago, IL 60645-1808 United States *** Disclaimer *** Dannylog is a work-in-progress. Additional information is available at http://arh0268.urh.uiuc.edu/~dannyman/dev/ Dannylog is still in Alpha version. It should not crash your system, though if it does, I'd certainly like to hear about it! It is not very glamorous at this point and has far to go before it's much to look at. This documentation file was simply whipped-up one-the-fly, so it's probably not the most valuable resource either. If you would like to see more development, I'd appreciate words of encouragement, suggestions, etc. :) *** Theory of Operation *** There are four executables at the moment. Dannylog - Main program executable. Will read in from current directory stats/data.raw files, then it will parse an access log, and rewrite stats/data.raw files with data from the read logfile in them. After this, the access log can be deleted. As of version alpha5, Dannylog will not log any entry that returns a status other than 200, rather, it will print it to standard output, it is reccomended to pipe Dannylog's output to another file that server operator can peruse at leisure, fixing any problems that are revealed. The output is designed to be very easy-to-read. t10 - Helper application that can analyse a stats/data.raw file and extract the top 10 or other values from them, matched against an AmigaDOS wildcard pattern. *** Usage *** --Dannylog-- From a command-line, type; Dannylog whereas is an access log generated by AWS. For example; Dannylog aws:access.log --t10-- From a command-line, type; t10 [Pattern] [NUM] Whereas is a file generated by Dannylog of the form stats/data.raw and [Pattern] is an optional AmigaDOS wildcard pattern that is matched case-insensitively against the data in question. The pattern defaults to #? if none is given, thus no matching is done and the absolute top ten of a given field are returned. NUM is another optional paramater if you want something other than the top ten returned. Another option switch has been added with alpha5. If HTML is specified on command-line, Dannylog will write output as an HTML table. Example; t10 stats/hosts.raw num 5 pattern #?uiuc#? This will tell you the top five requesting hosts from the University of Illinois ... --s/dostats-- The file s/dostats is included with this archive. It is a script I use on my system as AWS:s/dostats to do stuff. Take a look at it to get a good idea of how things work. To see what it generates, refer to http://arh0268.urh.uiuc.edu/stats/access.html *** Important Note *** t10 REQUIRES at least 8k of stack! If you do not set this, you risk crashing, BIG TIME! Dannyman reccomends saying "stack 10000" before running t10! Dannylog expects that in the directory from which you run it that there be a directory called stats this is where Dannylog sends most output.